Monday, February 25, 2008


That is what I am calling my new discovery. Well, it's not exactly my new discovery, but I did try it out's amazing.
I love me some dark purple/black nail polish but hate, hate, hate the dry time. Last time I painted them I woke up with sheet marks on three of my nails and was furious. Well, I read that you can paint your nails as usual and then spray them with cooking spray. The chemicals in the cooking spray and the chemicals in the polish just dry it right up. My dry in under 20 minutes nails and I are loving ozone killing chemicals today.


ginny said...

okay #1 you should have shown us a picture of your beeautiful purpley nails, that would have been nice and #2 did the pam spray leave your hands all oily and if yes, how did you get if off?? I mean you couldn't wash your hands, right? cuz your nails were wet. Help me out please.

The Mossmans said...

What an amazing tip! Can't wait to try it out!