Tuesday, August 21, 2007



Today your daddy and I took you to school. It was the first day of pre-kindergarten.

Today is a day we have been making our way towards for a while now.

Today as you sat so bravely on the carpet, looking up at a woman who will become one of many who will help shape who you become, my heart broke a little. I wanted so badly to bundle you up in my arms, carry you home, and never look back. To take you home so that you would stay little forever. So that you would always call out my name when you skinned your knees or had a bad dream.

Today I realize that you are still only four, and luckily I get to enjoy more years of skinned knees, but I know all to well that the years will pass so quickly.

Today I promise to never to wish the days away.

Today your teacher told all the parents not to leave at the same time, and you turned to daddy and I and asked us if we could leave last. Always know that daddy and I will stay until the very last and not leave you until you tell us we can.

Today my hope for you, is that you embrace this next adventure like you embrace everything. With your whole heart and being. I know you will do well, and I want to thank you for letting me be part of your journey.



lifeinsuburbia said...

It does break your heart a little bit, doesn't it?

Hooray for Annaliese!

The Mossmans said...

Oh, Summer. That was so sweet. It is all bittersweet isn't it? You want to see them grow and change, but then again, you really don't. This makes me dread next year a little bit.

Anonymous said...

well first i had to wipe the tears from streaming down my face and then I had to laugh. just when we think we want them all grown up, a moment like that helps us realize what we are in the midst of. how bittersweet of a morning you must of had. your little girl is growing up!! (but i do remember the phone calls about not really "liking" those newborn days...) that's why i just had to laugh!! what a cutie patootie and what good parents too...

Anonymous said...

Well, Summy, What can I say? I am so proud of you. I have always been a little ok a lot jealous of you. Watching you grow up, you were beautiful, popular, you had a mother that encouraged you to be you. Then you got married to a wonderful man what's his name again, is it dig n' roll, or scratch and sniff?? And now you are a mother. I am no longer jealous. I am beyond proud. I remember when Annaliese was born, and we all came down. I thought you were going to pack her up and send her back to Colorado with us. And now look at you. So when are you getting pregnant again?
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Ugh! I know- so sweet , but sad. Our babies. -Camille

Anonymous said...

Great post summer! So bittersweet, these moments.