Tuesday, May 8, 2007

What Month Is This!?

Holly crap I can't believe it is May 8th. What the hell? Who is in charge of time, I need to file a complaint because it going too quickly. I am pretty sure there may only be 23 hours in my day, and my kids, well, I think they only have 10 months in their year.
I for one know that I can't already have celebrated my 29th, FINE, thirty...first birthday. I do know, however, that I have some amazing friends and family that always give me much more than I deserve. Thank You, Thank You to everyone for all the loot and food.

The Trusty Nuptials (a little nickname I have given to Rusty and Trandy, it's a real time saver in a conversation, and because I need all the time savers I can get, see above comment, I use it all the time) are just around the corner, and every conversation seems to have the word wedding in it. It's fun though, and I wish them the best of luck.
Here is some advice from Don and I.-- Remember to talk everyday(something I have to force Don to do, but it helps us work stuff out), listen( something he has to force me to do, because I rarely care what anyone else's opinion is), remember how much you love each other(we both have that part covered, except when Don smells like butt, and I waver a little), and (the two Sandys' need to cover their eyes) have drunk sex every now and then, because it's usually more fun than everyday Monday kinda sex.

Mr. JH turned two, and it sucks. I want him to be a baby still. But the good news is this: he still doesn't talk much, we still give him a bottle before bed, and I carry him everywhere and in general treat him like a baby, who can have nothing too hard expected of him. I figure if I can hold off on this routine until he is 18 I shouldn't have to worry about really wanting another baby.

The next few weeks should prove to be pretty eventful, so I hope to have some good stories soon.


Anonymous said...

Soooooo glad your back at the blog. You gave me a chuckle about the drunk sex part (I'm old but I still remember). Thanks for all you do and for your wonderful sense of humor. Looking forward to the blog stories on the bachelorette party. Or is it "Whatever happens at the bachelorette party, stays at the bachelorette party?"
Sandy (your other mom)

lifeinsuburbia said...

WHere have you been. i was just about to write a harrassing comment. guess that's off. boys rule. that's just about all their is to it. :)

The Mossmans said...

Welcome back to the land of blogging. We've missed you. I was just thinking today that it is almost summertime. Seriously, where has the time gone? It's just wrong. The kids will be starting college next month at this rate.

Anonymous said...

Dang, I thought sex was out of the picture after you got married. ;) J/k. Thanks for all that you've done. Don't worry you only have to hear wedding in every conversation for 10 more days!

ginny said...

freakin' hilarious post,summer. I love all your advice, maybe you should write a book! I guess it wouldn't be all that funny to people that don't know you. Ok, I'm rambling now...