Wednesday, December 6, 2006

You've Got to be Kidding Me

Today is one of those days that makes me feel sad. Sad because when Nathan went into work today at Panera Bread, they told him he could no longer work there. They told him someone had alerted them to his situation, and due to the nature of the crime, he was being terminated. He was told, just like Target, that as soon as this was dismissed from his record he was welcome to come back. He is a dependable and hard worker, a true assest to the company. Yeah, yeah, heard this speech before, see ya later.
And such is the delima that so many people face on a daily basis. You do a crime, you better be willing, and able, to pay for that crime over, and over, and over, and over. I used to be of the old school of thought that says you do the crime you do the time. And while I still believe in punishing those who have offended, I am having a hard time with just how long people should continue to be punished. At what point do you let the courts hand out the punishment, and leave the public out of it. Nathan has spent almost two months in jail, has appeared at every court hearing, his mother has remortgaged her house, gone into almost unmanagable debt, and he see's, and pay's, a counselor every week. He has lost 4 jobs because of this, and his attorney and car insurace still wait for their monthly payments. I can only imagine how hard it must be for a person that has to supprt a home and family. It is no wonder so many people go back into crime. Lucky for Nathan this will come off his record and he will be able to find employment as an adult.
This is such a hard situation for me, I see all sides of it and wish, just wish, I could go back to not knowing or thinking about anything. Ignorance really is bliss.


ginny said...

When something like this happens to your own family member you really do begin to see the other side. It's so easy for people to say lock em up and throw away the key, but everyone forgets that people who offend are just that, people. With their own families, backgrounds, story etc. Nathan just has to prove em all wrong at this point. Too bad we can't all just move to Cabo and live that ignorant life!!!!!!!

brooke said...

I am so sorry Summer. I can't even imagine.

Anonymous said...

I totally understand your dilemma. Coming from someone who is in law enforcement and having been around "criminals" for several years, it is easy to get caught up in the mentality of "you do the crime, do the time". However, I also know Nathan and understand that fundamentally he is a good person. You all are in a ridiculously difficult time and will be for a long time. Whether it is just sympathizing with your brother or taking a substantial financial hit, this has changed you all forever. I am so sorry this is happening to you all. Stay supportive of each other and that is what will matter in the end.