Monday, November 13, 2006

Did I Hear That Right?

Recently, I heard someone make the funniest comment. What makes it classic is that the comment was made in complete seriousness. Not intended as a joke. Just made as observation about the situation.

On Satuday night, at their baby shower, Chuck and Tim were presented with two T-shirts. These shirts were meant to be worn during the shower, and to party in afterward. But all night they both avoided the shirts. You would have thought Rush Limbaugh himself were holding the shirts, waiting, just waiting, for them to walk over and take them from his grip.
The shirts said, "I'm Chuck's / I'm Tim's Baby Daddy".
They couldnt bring themselves to put them on, and in a weak moment they were foced to put them on and smile for the camera. After the picture, as they were quickly disrobing, I said to someone, "Maybe they don't want to advertise outside that they are gay men adopting a child."
I was, quite matter of factly, told that,
"Oh no honey, it's the glitter puff paint. It's like cryptonite to a gay man."


Anonymous said...

That's hellafunny. -Camille

The Mossmans said...

Ditto to what Camille said!

brooke said...

Love the new look. Who is the genius to get your blogger acct to behave??

Anonymous said...

Give us something new here Summer!