Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to my first born! I love you girl.

I would usually write much more than this on a day my daughter becomes a year older. But...Nip/Tuck will be starting soon. Yes, I do have DVR now, but I don't like to get in on it too late. And one day, when I print off all these blogs and put them in a book, I want my daughter to be able to say, "While I wasn't more important than Nip/Tuck, at least I was important enough to get a blog entry about my birthday on the correct day, what a wonderful mother I have." And I am hoping this comment isn't made to her tatoo artist or therapist.


ashli said...

Happy Happy 4th Annaliese! Love You Girlie!

brooke said...

Finally! I can comment on your blog. good grief. 2 things. 1 happy late b-day annaliese! 2. you have really big balls. 2 parties in one day? and i heard they were a massive success. way to go girl!