Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Rocky XI

Much time and effort has gone into Annaliese's bedroom. We have pulled up carpet. I have made, oh yes, made, curtains. I have shopped for accsessories. We have moved her bed and dresser around so many times that now, we play a game of 'find the bed' every time we open her door. But never, ever in all my best design efforts, did I take a moment out to calculate the exact distance between her bed and her dresser. Because if I had done so, when she reached for a cup of water, she would not have fallen off her bed, hit her eye on her dresser, and landed upsidedown on her floor.
Thus we would have avoided this

Never underestimate you child's ability to get stuck between a bed and a hard place.


Keithclan said...

If DHS shows up at my house for the broken arm, I'm showing them this picture and sending them your way.

ginny said...

Oh girl...that is bad. The picture looks like it should be hanging up on a detectives bulletin board. Poor lil thing. I'm sure she'll eventually forgive you. Although Grace still reminds me when I accidently kneed her in the back and she went tumbling down the stairs 2 years ago. She STOPPED walking and I kept walking. Oops.

ashli said...

poor girl! I am still calling her "rocky" from the mask!