Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Birds and Bees

I am pretty good at answering my daughters ongoing questions. If you dont know, she can fire 'em off pretty quickly. In fact, I think her record is 15 questions in 37 seconds. I usually handle these questions with ease, well, sometimes 'ease' means turning up the car radio really loud and saying, "What? Huh? Mommy can't hear you, just wait, I think the knob is broken."
But last week was different. I lost my standing as the smartest mom, the answerer of all questions, the knowledgable one.
Upon our return from the hospital to see our newest little chick, Annaliese asked me the big one.
"Mommy how do you get pregnant if you want to get pregnant?"
To which I replied the only way I knew how.
"Oh look Annaliese, the mall, do you want mommy to give you quarters to ride the rides, and let you spin around until you forget what you just asked me?"


brooke said...

wow. that is some question. so far the only question oliver has asked in that genre is 'how do you get the baby out? they cut it out of your stomach don't they? does it hurt?" and of course, I answer. Uh-huh. Yeah Oliver, of course!

Keithclan said...

You know, last year Jordan (already knowing the basics of sex) asked me "Is sex the only way you can have a baby?" Io which I said, "no, you can adopt." and she said "but if you want it to come out of your tummy?" and I lied a bit and said yes (not wanting to get into a lengthy in-vetro discussion), and she said "what if you want more than one? Do you have to have sex EVERY time you want to have a baby?" I said yes, and she gave me that, "you have 5 kids, you sicko!" look. Wait until Annaliese finds out about her mommy's fondness for the birds and bees. it will scar her for life.

ashli said...

that girl! Anna asked Chris if they cut the baby out like on mommy then why on tv when someone is having a baby does it look like they're pushing? And where are they pushing from, they're but or something?