Friday, June 9, 2006

Red Earth Festival

Many of you may not be aware of this, but this year my neighborhood has agreed to host a portion of the Red Earth Festival. Yes, Yes, our neighborhood association is just that good.

First, we kicked off the festival by having city workers come out and dig up our front yards. Thus exposing the Red Earth that we are so pround of.

Then, as a neighborhood, we decorated our cars in different shades of earth. I chose a lighter red shade. I thought it complimented the silver of my station wagon. I also chose to keep the coloring minimal and only display it on the bottom half of the car. Others in the neighboorhood chose to decorate their cars with Red Earth on their windshields, sideview mirrors, and tail lights. But I believe this to be tacky and over-accessorizing.

And finally, because we are are so spirited about this, we have put out port-a-potties for those of you who come to tour the neighborhood. These potties have been overcrowded by sweaty city workers, but if you wait your turn you too can enjoy the ammenities.


Anonymous said...

Great post- that was really a riot! They are not afraid to take their sweet time with city projects, are they? Nope, not at all. -Camille

Keithclan said...

Think of the bright side, you don't have to worry about keeping up a appearances as much for the neighbors! I mean, when you have a port-a-potty at the end of the block, Miss Manners says it's okay to walk outside barefoot, in your bra, with your bay on your hip, a cigarette in your hand, and yell "shut the f*%k up!" to your neighbors dog.

ashli said...

kept forgetting to tell you when you came by to pick up those forms for VBS and it rained your "car" left red dirt stains all over my driveway and they are still there exactly where you parked!