Monday, December 18, 2006

Embarrassing Moments #53 and #54

The Scene of #53:

Driving through a residential neighborhood I came to a 4-way stop sign. While waiting for someone in front of me to finish putting on her lipstick and finally pull across the intersection, I noticed two young males looking in my direction. They were working in someone's yard and even went as far as to stop raking the leaves. In the old days I may have felt honored by this, I may have even sat up a little higher, given a little smile, sped off in my little 2-door car, but not this day.
Because when one of them started to snicker at me, and the other just stood in pure disbelief, I realized I had crossed the line. I was listening to my favorite Nelly CD, loudly. An artist, I was well aware of, that had no business being played loudly in a dirty station wagon, filled with a 30- year-old in sweats, and two children in the back seat fighting over the correct placement of the Dora window stickers.

The Scene of #54:

This one needs little explanation.
My daughter that has no trouble vocalizing any thought or opinion about anything.
A pair of jeans that got washed on warm.
And then did some time in the dryer.
And a belt loop that lost it's hold while I attempted to pull the jeans up.


The Mossmans said...

I don't think #53 could get any better; however, maybe next time you flash a big smile at those boys with some grillz!

Anonymous said...

Nelly, huh? Work it girl, 30 is the new 20 you know!

Anonymous said...

At least you weren't thumpin' the bass system to something like Madonna in the 80's!! It just shows that we, as mothers, refuse to give up our so called "hipness" that easily!! Those boys can snicker all day, but one day when they are dads, driving mini-vans to go pick up their rugrats from whatever, they might think back to the hot blond listening to Nelly while pimpin' in her mom-mobile and smile!! And #54 is not necessarily due to anything other than your pure upper-body strength developed by a few years of toddler-toting!!! You go sexy mama!!!

Anonymous said...

You crack me up. -C