Sunday, September 17, 2006


I am actually singing this.
I got a new matress. I got a new matress. Da Da Da Da Da Da.
Don and I all made a trip to Bruno's today and picked out a lovely, new, soft, matress. So long Don's-still-in-college-and-even-more-cheap-than-he-is-now matress.
And since my dear friend Krisitin (Bruno) begged them, and they have known me almost as long as they have known Kristin, they gave me the family discount. This made Don very happy. I prove to be more useful everyday!


ashli said...

can you introduce me to this Kristin? Please? I want the Brunos discount too! I really need a king size bed to go with my "new mattress", it's still only on a frame after a year, yeah we're pathetic!

There is nothing like getting a new mattress though really! Up until last summer we were sleeping on my parents old mattress that they had had since 1985, I'm serious!

ginny said...

OH MY GOD! We have a Bruno's mattress and the thing has changed my life! Ashli always wants to curl up in my bed...I swear it will be 2x harder to get up in the morning and every night when I get in bed I still get sooooo happy! Yea for you all for finally taking the plunge.

Anonymous said...

Oh the fame and fortune of being a "Bruno"...what Summer didn't tell you all was what a PAIN in the ASS my wonderful family is!!!! It was the least I could do for my best buds!! Plus she feeds me pretty regularly too!!! Anyone else out there need anything from the store? My Wednesday night dinner schedule is very open...
Sum, I hope you slept like the princess you truly was the least I could do.