Monday, March 19, 2007

Here I Am!!!

Not to worry, the Steel family is still here.
After that last post of mine I have been going, going, going. But this is a good stress, a good stress, a good stress...I tell myself this a whole bunch of times everyday.

Veags. Was. AWESOME. Yeah baby, when is the next trip. No more needs to be said about that, because...what happens in Vegas....

We bought the house of our dreams, well maybe not our wildest dreams, but it is on a great historical street, with a good school, and what seem to be nice neighbors. Don and I have basically gutted the kitchen, so it makes for long days. We officially move in on Friday and everyday I get to have a new man in my new home. You know... a locksmith, the plumber, the electrician, etc.....
You all know how happy I am when I have to spend a whole bunch of money.
This is a good stress, a good stress, a good stress. There, I feel better.

Don celebrated his 30th birthday, and I gotta say, I love him just as much as I did when he was 17, and I hope I love him this much when he's 100.

So bear with me, I will return to normal, well, whatever the hell that is, soon.


brooke said...

Ohhhh. I miss you too. I am so excited about your house!!! Post pictures sista!

ginny said...

Don's only thirty!!!!!!!!!!!! Y'all are freakin' babies!! Good stress= still stress= more $$ = gotta do it to get what ya want. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Hooray a new post, FINALLY! We are so happy for you on the new house! It's gonna be so perfect for you all! And I never got to give don that birthday spankin you know, maybe next year vegas?!?!?!

The Mossmans said...

Hey neighbor! I know you're stessed, but come by and have a beer after you move in and the stress will melt away! :)

Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Even though you lured me into the neighborhood and then officially abandoned me, I will still forgive you (after a few dinner invites, of course). We will miss you dearly not being around the corner, but I remind myself constantly that we are still much closer than when we were in Virginia, Texas, Kingfisher...I am so excited for you and the fam because your house is awesome and things are going to come together for you guys...and hell, you do have one more bedroom to fill!!!Good stress, good stress, good stress...can't wait to have a beer with you after I pop this bad boy? out and you get settled!