Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Happy Birthday!

I have two birthday shout outs today.

First, Happy Birthday to Kortlyn Nora Liles!!! The little stinker was born this morning at 1:40ish. Her momma (Kristin) pushed her out with no drugs at all. I don't know what all that craziness is about, but she did good. Welcome to the world Baby Kortlyn.

Secondly, Happy 27th to my Red Headed Wonder (my cousin Tiffany). I love you Tiff, and if we were together for your birthday I would pour pennies all over your face!

Monday, July 23, 2007

8 Years and Counting

Happy Anniversary my love.
Thank you for making my life what it is, and never forgetting to prove, everyday, your love and commitment to our marriage.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

It's Not Easy...

It's not easy being the parent of a multi-talented child. Really it's not. I hate to brag, but...Annaliese told me, just the other day, that she can do two things at once. Oh yes people. Two things. She can burp and throw up a little in her mouth. At the same time.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

I Spy With My Little Eye...

Two kids that have trouble just standing next to each other for a picture....

Those same two kids who discovered that the 'cuzi bath makes lots, and lots, and lots of bubbles when the jets get turned on....

A very pregnant lady with her friend that loves her...

And, well, I don't know what this is, but it came in a kids pack meal, yet strangely looks like something that would have been sold at my s.e.x toy party...