Thursday, April 19, 2007

I See the Light!

Her fever has finally broken for 24 hours and I may just get to venture out of the house. I don't know, I might have forgotten how to function in polite society. What do I wear, how do I act. Will I be OK without hours of Max and Ruby, Franklin, and Lazy Town? Wish me luck.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Little Man

My sweet boy is two today, and oh, how we all love him. We are lucky to have you in our lives.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Sick vs. The Healthy

Last night Annaliese took a runaway train to Sickville about 7:00pm. She was completely fine, eating dinner and chatting at 6:55 and by 8:00 she was in bed shaking with a 103 temp. Weird. Luckily today she was much better and enjoyed her brother's birthday party, because it gets ugly when a Steel girl has to miss a party. For any reason.

By the way, I will post some pictures of the party soon, but the women in charge of documenting my children's life in pictures, have to send me some.

Anyway, so Annaliese is dying in bed last night, and JH, nothing. A little runny nose, a few coughs, but besides that, nothing. I don't get it with these two. They blow everything I thought I knew about children's wellness out of the water.
In theory Annalise should be the picture of health, the golden child for Healthy Living. Her brother, well, he should be the child in those posters at the doctors office that say, "This is what will happen if you don't breast feed your child and let him eat french fries."
Let me begin.
First off, I gave Annaliese breast milk for 9 months of her little life. Nine months I sat attached to a breast pump for her well being and good health. How did she repay me? With RSV, strep throat, the flu, numerous viruses, and ear infections. That's how.
JH, that boy got Simalac's best from the beginning. How has he repaid me. One ear infection and that breathing thing that lasted a day, and was related to allergies or asthma. Neither one of which he suffers from.
Now I know I am going to piss of The La Leche League, but, come on. What the hell.

Secondly, lets talk about the eating.
Annalise eats fruit, cheese, and veggies. She of course will eat her share of Cheetos and Twinkies, but for the most part she is a healthy eater. I don't get it, I didn't try and teach her the healthy eating crap. But she is all about the good stuff.
And then you have Captain Refuses to Eat. Occasionally, when his guard is down, because he is busy freeing tied up dames in distress from the train tracks, I can come from behind and shove food in his mouth. And sometimes to really show his superhero strength, he will live an entire day off just one lick of food. And let it be known that the food he licks is generally not something healthy, it might be a french fry or a pap tart. And yet he lives on, healthy as can be.
I don't get it. These kid's, they really screw with your head. Jerks.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Why Annaliese Can No Longer Shower With Me

So we're standing in the bathroom the other day, having just emerged from the shower. It was a quick shower for me, once the Queen of All the Shower Space decided she wanted to get in. I was putting on lotion when she decided she was done and got out.
Anyway, Annaliese was all, "What's that stuff on your stomach?"
A little alarmed I looked down and saw nothing,"What stuff?"
The little witch then says,"Those lines, and that jiggly stuff, look I can squish it with my hands."
As I stand there speechless, still reeling in horror, she follows it up with a quick glance the mole on my stomach, and says in disgust as she walks out, "Gross, you have a big booger on you."
So please take a moment to bow your heads and say a little goodbye to Annaliese's shower time with mommy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today I am 31 years young and fabulous. This morning I woke up and not only felt a little older, but I discovered something I had been suspecting for a few months now.

Milsap finally decided to come out of the closet. He tried to tell me it was just in celebration of my birthday, but I know the truth.

I just wish he hadn't been using Annaliese's dress up clothes to prowl for dates in the night, but what can you do?

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Sweet Home Mesta Park

Well, here we are, home. The 4 Steel's made it through the move. And virtually no one is harmed. We are loving this house and I hope we never move again. The short ones, no not me, the other short ones, have adjusted so well, it makes me a little scared. They had visited this house so much before the move, and we had all thier stuff set up before they actually spent the night here, that they just came in and acted like they had never lived anywhere else.
The only rough spots are when Annaliese cried on the first morning and JH made some new grunting noises, that sounded a litlle bit like, where the f#@! am I? but whatever, they both survived. The kitchen, well, it's still a mess, but Don is busting his hump to get it done and hopefully sometime before Christmas we might have doors under the sink. JH has only ingested a small amount of Windex and 401, no harm done.
Here's a few pics of the joint.

The house.
The porch.
The front room.
The dinning room.
The crap under the sink.
The hired help. The girl's room.

The boy's room.

The hot parent's room.