Friday, October 27, 2006

Coming Soon: November!

Well let the bells ring! I made it through the month of October with no major injuries.

To begin with, my mammogram and following biopsy went great. The mammogram itself wasn't really all that bad, pain wise. The part that involved hoisting my, less than perkey, breasts up onto a shelf made for people over 5'3", was the bad part. The part that involved me tipping over because I was standing on my toes. Trying, for some unknown reason, to convince the tech that I was 5'3", was the bad part.
Don was fantastic through it. He waited in the little waiting room, holding my purse and bra, flipping through the pages of Glamor's Do's and Dont's issue. The biopsy was not painful, due to drugs, but very unnerving. Dr. Mitchell was so kind and talked me through everything. In the end everything was fine, and I will just have to learn to live with my renagade lymph node. Thank you to everyone that kept reminding me that I would be fine, and to quit writing my obituary.

Don's company dinner party was nice. Yes, that's a good word for it. Nice. Nice and Calm. As nice as can be when partying with a bunch of engineers. I had a dress that made me look HOT(with a little, OK, a lot of help from a very tight girdle thingy, and a bra that pushed my very sore boobs up right inderneath my chin). Thanks Jenna!

The walk on Saturday was the best one I have been to yet. This year more people joined our group. Welcome Chris, Kristin, and Kassidy. And this year two little men joined us, although the little royal highnesses had to be pushed through the streets instead of walking. Welcome my sweet baby Jack Henry and Bobby. During the walk Alma and Dr. Mitchell talked, (Dr. Mitchell was the one that found Alma's breast cancer, when no one else could see it, and saved her life) and Dr.Mitchell told her that she did five biopsies the day she did mine on women under 30. Yeah, scary shit. One of them was cancer. So the big ol'e hammer of Don't-You-Have-A-Lot-To-Be-Thankful-For hit me right on the head.

The garage sale was not a huge success in terms of money, but it sure was fun. We sat around and talked and ate the whole time. Don, Tommy, and Chris crunched some numbers and found out the the sale actually ended up costing us money. Yeah, well, to hell with 'em. It was fun.

Nathan had his day in court and he had the best possible outcome. He is going to remain a youthful offender. This judgement will allow him to not have to go into the adult system. Those that know him, know that that would have been horrible, and this judgement basically saved his life. Thanks to all for the support on this too. And thanks to Ginny, the newest family member.

Don had his test today. He said he felt fairly confident about the first part, but was a little worried about the second part. He seemed a little giddy when he got home. I had a little trouble figuring out if he was just happy the test was over, or if he was coming off some high. You know, the kind of sick high math nerds get when they sit in a room for 8 hours, doing math problems with a calculator, surrounded by a bunch of books about bridges. Wierdo.

I think my blog will have to stay like it is. It's all messed up and no one can change the template. Oh well, all things considered, I would have to say... that change is over rated.

Much love to all my family and friends.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Since I am beginning to feel like a new person, because everything this month has turned out well, I am trying to get a new look for my blog. After great attempts by Don, Ginny, and now Brooke I hope to have one soon. Good luck to you Brooke.
Many more details about this month to follow!

Thursday, October 12, 2006


I had my mammogram and ultrasound today. The doctor told me that she thinks what I am feeling is a lymph node. It's a bit of a renagade, this node, and had traveled down into my breast instead of staying put in my armpit. The doctor told me it was perfectly normal and not to worry. She felt 98% sure of this. She must have seen the look in my eye that said, "Me? Heck no! I won't worry, just because I will do a self breast exam 4 times a week, write my obituary, and organize my will, all on a 2% chance that I could have breast cancer!"
She did a biopsy. I should have the results on Friday or Monday.
But with all of that being said, I feel much happier and can now focus my attention on the rest of the month.

And...I have a hair appointment on Friday! And... I found something to wear to Don's office party. Things feel a little better.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I Forgot Something.

10/20-10/22--Garage Sale. My house. You should see how I have transformed my garage into a thrift store. It even smells like one!

Monday, October 9, 2006

Stress Level: High

This month is going to kill me. Seriously. Let me bitch and moan about my life for a moment. Thank You.
10/12 --Mammogram. This scares the @#%$^& out of me. As many of you know I have a perfectly unhealthy obsession with cancer. So when my OB/GYN said she felt a little something in the upper left part of my right breast, I passed out. When I came to, I found a slip of paper in my purse for a mamogram, so that is where I will be on Thursday. Nice.
10/13--Cobb Engineering's 85th Anniversary. Someplace fancy, downtown. Do I have something to wear that makes me look fun and cute? No. Does my hair have roots down to my ears, and split ends the rest of the way? Yes. Good, I am all ready to go and represent my husband.
10/14--Susan G. Komen Walk. Hope I am not supporting my own effing cause. See the positivity shining through.
10/16--Annaliese to the dentist. Way, way, way in Edmond, right next door to her doctor, whom we are going to see on...
10/18--Annaliese and Jack for well kid checkups.
10/23--Nathan to court. Nothing too serious. Just his future.
10/27--Don takes his Engineering test. Nothing too serious. Just his future.

I will be fine, just a little crazy, but fine none the less. Here's hoping for a good November!