My New Neighbor
The newest and latest addition to my 'hood, is my dear friend Kristin, her highway-patrolman- lover Chris, and their, "Oh God, are these really my parents?" daughter, Kassidy. Kristin thinks that she is a wealthy woman, and now actually has three homes. "Is she wealthy?" you might ask. No, she is just stupid. But she has a plan. Here is our conversation.
-Guess what? I talked to the owner of the rental house on your block, and we are signing the lease tomorrow.
-So what about your home in Houston?
-Well, we are going to just keep renting it out, and hope that the renter wants to buy it.
-What about your rental house in Kingfisher?
-Well, as soon as OHP gives Chris a definite date of July something, then we can transfer.
-July something, huh. What did you tell your new landlord.
- Well, nothing. Just that we are also home owners, and we know how we like to be treated by our tenants, and they liked us.
-But you lied to them, and didn't tell them they may or may not get their rent, because you may or may not get transferred.
-Well, yeah.
-Your not living with me.
Welcome to the neighborhood friend. I am actually quite excited that you are coming, and look forward to many late night trips to Bueno for party burritos.