Sometimes Don asks me, "so what did you do today". And, after numerous arguments and sulking, he has left off any trace of emphasis on the word did, I usually answer with the usual, "nothing". I laugh sometimes because it is so far from the truth. Lets take today for instance.
I took a shower, dried my hair, put on makeup, made the bed, and picked up the front room, all before the troops began their march into battle. The troops being Annaliese, Jack Henry, and sometimes Milsap. Battle meaning, "how to get the short woman to make breakfast, before The Count reveals the number of the day.
Laundry, laundry, laundry. Two days at family camp = two days of laundry.
Went to Wal Mart to return water shoes and picked up two rolls of film, and from looking at those two developed rolls of film I realized that I had two rolls I needed to do something about.
Called local pools to find out about swim lessons.
Washed the car. I was too cheap to go to Red Carpet so I decided to wash it myself. I think it must have been very comical to watch the cheap lady yell and kick the machine after it stole my $1.00. I did laugh in my own way, if laughing means cursing under my breath as I scoured the car for more change, finally giving up in defeat and breaking the $5 bill that I should have just used at Red Carpet.
Talked to Alma, and congratulated her on her recent engagement. You know it's never to late to find love, and it's nice she loves Lindy in spite of his 'gene'.
Sorted coupons. I know, I know, but it saves me around $30 when I shop.
Went to lunch with my husband.
Played on the floor with my children. Well, maybe that was yesterday, but I'm pretty sure I interacted with them in some way.
Made dinner, and this day I went all out and included a salad.
Had coffee with the best girls in the world.